If you wish to review the whole program I have made it available here (4mb).
The main parts of the code are as follows:
GeoCoder class
- converts a street address into a longitude/latitude point.
- call getLocation method with a string representing the address.
- class uses Google Geocoder.
Refer to the Geocoder.java class file in the download for more information on how this works.
Main Class
- assigns an address from the first command line argument
address = args[0];
- calls the GeoCoder.getLocation method with Address String
location = Geocoder.getLocation(address).toString();
- creates a KML file using the location value returned by the GeoCoder class
final Kml kml = new Kml(); kml.createAndSetPlacemark() .withName(address) .withOpen(Boolean.TRUE) .createAndSetPoint() .addToCoordinates(location); try { kml.marshal(new File("HelloKml.kml")); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }
In the future I will expand on this application to provide more information in the KML.
ReplyDeleteI trying to use a code similar to yours, but I get errors in:
.createAndSetPoint().addToCoordinates(-0.126236, 51.500152);
The method createAndSetPlacemark is undefined for the type Kml.
I'm using eclipse and I added libs:
activation.jar, jaxb, etc..
and JavaApiforKml.jar
but no way.
Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong.?
Thanks for your post (I thought I was wrong with my code)